By:Jeff Lee
In all the
worlds of which I dream
I drift
alone along an endless sea
I watch the
images run from rivers to steams
Blood white snow capped peaks with winds that scream
Dark cold
holes that crawl slither and clack
Hot red burning
flames that lick stones to make them crack
All the
while through the chaos storms made madness seem mild
A lone
figure dances like smoke in the air wafting female wilds
Her hair like
summer spun silk golden brown red like blood
Her form the clock from which all time frozen
still stood
Her lips
deep red on the white toiled foam crested crashed by a wave
Her smile
when given shone to sinners as they might yet be saved
Her scent
mixed coffee and blood and darkness with pine
I her taste
came next filling mouth stomach then mind
But it was
not her beauty or her sex which broke back my wolfing rage
Twas her
eyes dark circles black on white moons shining upon my grave
I howled to
those moons with guttural lonely sounds echoed across history
A growl
roared forth breaking free secrets hidden tales in my history
As the dream
took less form neither darker nor diluted
She danced
between muddied images each footfall clear clean and fluid
I felt muscles
growing tearing free flesh from my bones
movements breaking the birthing a monster of old dusty tomes
Her hand out
stretched pale fingers curled lustful come noting hither
I felt need
crawl up my spine a snake awoken now uncoiled as to slither
I could no
longer control my lust, my need, my desire, nor my soul
I leap arms
with clawed hands barking tearing to grab at her whole
I tore at
her with force like famers whose days begin with the reaping or soil
But she
splintered, then cracked, then misted, then shredded like thin foil
I looked to
my hands searched for some piece of smile, her skin, or her stare
But nothing remains but the pain and the
sadness and the loss of her there
Hot blurring
tears run heavy through trailing lines dusty beds bone dry for years
frail feeble featured shaking shoulders double over with fears
Again she
was there but again she has passed
These dreams
of sick madness forever they last
Then on my
cheek a cold touch stokes tear drowned fire from my hearth
“Soon, my dear
love, soon my love you’ll wake home again in my heart.”